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Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides

Kapitein Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) komt terecht in een onverwachts avontuur dat naar de legendarische Fountain of Youth leidt

Download de Adobe Flash player om de trailer van Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides te downloaden.

$(document).ready(function() { function writeMoviePlayer(file, image, autostart) { var gaProAccountid = ""; var plugins = []; plugins.push("");

plugins.push("gapro-1"); gaProAccountid = "UA-693301-1";

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//init movieplayer writeMoviePlayer( "", "/thumb/450x275/gfx_content/stills/potc4_02.jpg", false);

$("a[rel=video]").bind("click", function() { var data = $(this).metadata(); writeMoviePlayer(data.url, data.still, true); return false; });


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